Ridecell helps build high-yield shared mobility businesses that are fastest to profit, easiest to scale, and optimized for demand
SAN FRANCISCO, CA (June 4 , 2019) – Ridecell Inc., the leading platform provider for shared and autonomous mobility operators, today announced the Ridecell High-yield Shared MobilityTM toolkit. The toolkit combines intelligent software, services, and ecosystem partnerships for companies to launch, operate, and scale profitable shared mobility businesses.
With Wall Street investors evaluating shared mobility business fundamentals, and questioning long-term financial viability of some shared mobility services, the pressure is on for the entire sector to develop intelligent and automated platforms that convert operational insights into profitable outcomes.
Based on years of supply demand management experience, and an extensive data set, Ridecell advanced machine learning allows customers, such as REACH NOW mobility services from BMW Group and Daimler AG; ZITY from Ferrovial and Groupe Renault; and GIG Car Share from AAA NCNU to achieve the highest utilization rates, attracting a growing base of customers, while maintaining highly efficient operations.
“To compete in the shared mobility space it’s critical to balance speed to market and customer experience with operational cost. By leveraging the Ridecell toolkit, we became the first company to operate car sharing and ride hailing from a common fleet. This offers our Members choice in how they get to where they are going and improves our fleet’s utilization, helping maximize the number of trips we can do in a day.” – Jean-Francois Ganot, Chief Financial Officer, REACH NOW
With its enhanced automation processes, the Ridecell toolkit enables customers to streamline their operations and maximize revenue through a range of new functionalities:
Ridecell Smart Zone Programs
Transform fleet repositioning from an expense into revenue. Our advanced machine learning identifies “hot and cold zones” and high propensity customers. Operators can adjust pricing dynamically to entice customers to choose vehicles low on charge or parked somewhere about to become a no parking zone, saving the cost of a paid employee to perform these tasks.
Ridecell Dynamic Region Management.
The Ridecell platform enables dynamic service region creation and live parking and EV charging spots based on availability and status. By using near real-time updates to the consumer app, operators can identify charging and rental zones, provide access to premium and private parking locations, and avoid extra parking costs and fines for towing.
Ridecell Data Platform
With the Ridecell data platform, service providers have access to a near real-time feed of service operation events, including member activity, vehicle telematics, and operations data. Easily integrate the data feed into customer business systems, facilitating customized marketing automation, business intelligence, and mobile analytics.
“We believe high-yield shared mobility is the difference between starting a shared mobility business and operating a successful one. With the Ridecell toolkit, in addition to launching competitive operations quickly, customers are able to operationalize and automate business intelligence to create great consumer experiences, building the basis for a long-term profitable business.” – Aarjav Trivedi, CEO, Ridecell
Please visit ridecell.com to learn more
About Ridecell
Ridecell helps companies build and operate high-yield shared mobility businesses that are fastest to profit, easiest to scale, and designed for demand. With our toolkit of intelligent software, services, and ecosystem partnerships, Ridecell customers are able to maximize operational efficiency, fleet utilization, and customer satisfaction.
Founded in 2009, today Ridecell powers a full range of shared mobility services in cities across Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific. These services include REACH NOW mobility services from the BMW Group and Daimler AG; ZITY from Ferrovial and Groupe Renault; GIG Car Share from AAA NCNU; and Karma Mobility Experiences from Karma Automotive.
Ridecell is headquartered in San Francisco, California, with more than 150 employees in offices across the globe.
Media Contact
Deepti Tiku, Senior Director of Corporate Marketing
(415) 608-8112