Orchestrate automation for every step of the vehicle lifecycle.

Ridecell Orchestration

Ridecell Orchestration

Automated, AI-based orchestration
for order-to-delivery, in-use operations & remarketing.

Automate actions based on insights

Intelligent actions

Automate actions based on insights surfaced by Ridecell Intelligence.

Maximize lifetime value

Maximize asset lifetime value

Optimize delivery time, utilization and remarketing value to ensure vehicles automatically generate the most revenue.

Increase productivity

Increase employee productivity

Free up employees from manual tasks, including scheduling and copying information, so they can focus on business-critical activity.

Create new offerings

Differentiate your service offering

Provide a higher level of customer service with automations that prevent or resolve customer support issues.

Unlock the power of automation.

Imagine a fleet business where manual tasks associated with a vehicle’s lifecycle are orchestrated automatically – harnessing and amplifying the power stored in every internal or partner IT system. With Ridecell Orchestration, achieving business and operational goals just got a lot easier.

  • Orchestrate vehicles through stages and steps based on one or more business rule triggers—with no manual touch.
  • Automate real-time partner coordination such as scheduling upfitting or vehicle delivery.
  • Enforce process adherence for efficiency while maintaining an auditable history of the asset journey.

Optimize your vehicle lifecycle logistics with intelligent orchestration.

Improve operational efficiencies by orchestrating your business and operations processes across every stage of the asset lifecycle.

Global and local automations

Reduce asset idle time
Keep vehicles in motion with efficiency automations for every process.

Hardware & Connectivity Agnositic

Manage total cost of ownership
Eliminate the bottlenecks and inefficiencies that reduce overall TCO.


Optimize commercial goals
Orchestrate fleet allocations to their best and highest use.

Service management

Automate across your org
Automate specific workflows and business rules across teams and partners.

Order to delivery process orchestration.

Timely asset delivery and communication are critical to a high-quality customer experience. Today this process generates a high volume of calls and emails between employees, suppliers and customers to uncover and then communicate the source of a delay. Ridecell Orchestration helps resolves this by:

  • Orchestrating transport instructions so vehicles get delivered faster
  • Proactively issuing upfitter work orders for parts ordering and installer scheduling
  • Orchestrating title, registration, plate & insurance processes so vehicles are ready for driver pick-up

Screenshot of Ridecell Operations 360

In-lease orchestration to optimize utilization & total cost of ownership.

In-lease operations vary from preventative maintenance to collision management. Individually, these tasks are not complex, but they can become overwhelming when scaled to hundreds or thousands of vehicles. Ridecell Orchestration increases operational efficiency and minimizes costs by automating workshop scheduling & work orders, simplifying collision management & first notice of loss, and reducing manual errors by orchestrating entries across systems.

Ridecell Orchestration automates placing work orders

Orchestration to help maximize de-fleeting asset lifetime value.

Once the decision has been made to remarket or re-allocate a vehicle, it is critical to expedite the process. Every day the vehicle sits idle is potentially reducing resale value. Ridecell Orchestration helps fleets optimize their de-fleet process by:

  • Reducing excess time waiting for transport by automating the process
  • Speeding up the sale prep and refurbishment task with remarketing orchestrations
  • Automatically communicating with resellers and auctions for accuracy and efficiency
Automate defleeting with Ridecell Orchestration

Powerful data management and workflow automation for every size and type of fleet.

Ridecell Visibility


Blueprint your process. Surface actionable insights. Fix bottlenecks.
Learn more.

Ridecell Orchestration


Orchestrate automation for every step of the vehicle lifecycle.
Learn more.

Ridecell 360 Supplier Intelligence

Supplier Intelligence

AI-powered supplier performance management for FMCs.
Learn more.

Ridecell 360 Defleet to Remarketing

Defleet to Remarketing

Maximize value as end of contract approaches.
Learn more.

Ready to transform your fleet operations, maximizing operational efficiency?